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Expose: The safest way to buy Lebanese American University fake degree.

Lebanese American University fake degree
Lebanese American University degree

Expose: The safest way to buy Lebanese American University fake degree. We have make and sale Lebanese American University fake diploma, Lebanese American University fake transcript. If you want safe and fast to obtain Lebanese American University fake diploma and transcript. We are your best bet. We only offer the best fake diplomas to our clients. Through us, you can get Lebanese American University fake certificate easily.

Lebanese American University was founded in 1924 as a women’s college. Its origins date back nearly a century to the 1830s, when Presbyterian missionaries founded the first girls’ school in the Ottoman Empire, with the aim of providing education for all.

The Lebanese American University (Arabic:الجامعةاللبنانيةالأميركية) is a secular, private and independent American university and research institution located in Lebanon. The university is chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York and is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (CIHE–NEASC). It is composed of two campuses, one in Beirut and the other in Byblos, and offers programs leading to degrees in Arts, Business, Engineering, Nursing, Sciences, Pharmacy, and Medicine. LAU is governed by a Board of Trustees that oversees the primary functions of leadership, stewardship and audit. A Board of International Advisorsprovides counsel on university policies and other matters to the Board of Trustees, president, and senior management

In 1835, American Presbyterian missionaries opened the American Girls’ School in downtown Beirut. Over the next century, it gained a reputation as an important location for women’s education, changing its name twice and receiving official accreditation from state authorities in 1970. Five years later, the institution opened all its courses to men. It became the Lebanese American University in 1992.

The architecture of its hillside Beirut campus dates back to the early 1930s. However, the university’s larger site is located 35 kilometers north of the Lebanese capital, Bibullios. In 2012, a new health sciences site opened there to meet the needs of the institution’s new medicine and pharmacy programs. Further developments, including a new library and student centre, are planned. The university also has a base in New York City.

Since 1973, the university has been home to the Institute for Women in the Arab World. The Institute established the first interdisciplinary Master’s degree in gender studies in Lebanon. Its peer-reviewed journal, Al-Raida, has been published since 1976 and is dedicated to women’s and gender studies.

In March 2024, the university’s New York Academic Center was converted into a degree-granting campus.